Friday, January 4, 2013

Just a few reminders...

Trailblazer Families,

Just a few reminders for next week:
  • Monday, January 7th:  Kindergarten Pre-enrollment for the 2013-2014 school year.  We are ready for you in our PLT room.  Please sign in at the Office and we will direct you to the PLT room.  Please review the paperwork items required for pre-enrollment in my previous blog from last week.
  • Thursday, January 10th:  Come celebrate our students who have demonstrated the character traits of Kindness and Integrity.  These students were nominated by their homerooms for displaying these qualities consistently at school.  We will begin the celebration immediately following a brief PTA meeting at 6:00 p.m.   Please join us in the multipurpose room for our General PTA meeting where we will be reviewing and voting on  the proposed budget and moving into our Character Celebration. 
  • Backpack Buddies will resume next week! 
  • Banks Boomers Chorus Group is taking a break after a positive and productive fall season.  Ms. Loftin will update her blog with information regarding the Spring semester and the work of the Boomers.

I also want to thank you for all of your positive feedback, emails and thoughts related to our school security and our student and staff safety.  We have never felt more appreciated!  The upcoming PTA newsletter will feature a front page article from me regarding our changes in the front office and our reinforcement of visitor check in & out procedures, as well as the protection of our instructional time with students.  Please take a few moments to read the article when it comes out in student folders.  Please let me know if you have any questions about our school safety and security procedures.  Additionally, I have updated the blog and the school website with this information.  We are fortunate to have such a positive community of parents and families that are so supportive of our school.

Until the next blog, Mrs. Graf