Dear Banks Road Elementary Parent(s) / Guardian(s):
I would like you to be aware of a drill conducted at school today. This was the the first drill this year for students on tracks 1, 2, and 3. Our purpose for a drill is to practice and continue to improve our safety processes and procedures.
Safety is a priority at our school. We have taken steps to help our teachers, students and community be better prepared in the case of an emergency. You may have heard school staff refer to lockdowns or may have visited a school during a lockdown.
We conducted a drill so that faculty, students and our community are familiar with these procedures, by working with our law enforcement agency and WCPSS Security staff on the drills at WCPSS schools, we can better prepare our students, faculty and staff for the unexpected.
It is important for our students, parents, teachers and our community to see that we are vigilant and have well-established procedures in place during the time of an emergency.
If you should have any questions, please call my office at 890-7330. Thanks for your continued support of teaching and learning at our school and of keeping our students safe.
Carmen Montero Graf