October brings many, many things for us to be aware and knowledgeable about. Did you know that October is Autism Awareness Month?
Autism impacts 1 in 88 children and more specifically 1 in 54 boys (taken from the following website http://www.autismspeaks.org/.) Many children with autism functional typically in schools across the world, in North Carolina, Wake County and right here in WCPSS. Banks Road Elementary supports Autism Awareness and many of our staff members will be participating in the 2012 ASNC Triangle Run/Walk for Autism on October 13th. If you are interested in participating with us in support of our students with autism, please contact Kelley Ryan at 919-890-7333 or sign up on line at http://www.trianglerunwalkforautism.org/ under the team "Marching for the M-Train." To learn more about autism click here: http://www.autism-society.org/