Monday, January 6, 2014

School Messenger January 6, 2014

Good evening Trailblazers,

Happy Monday to you!

First things first, I want to be sure everyone is aware that there is a 2 hour delay tomorrow, January 7, 2014 due to the threat of inclement weather. BRES will welcome students in at 10:45 a.m. The tardy bell will ring at 11:15 a.m. Breakfast will not be served tomorrow, so please eat a good breakfast at home. Banks Boomer’s practice for tomorrow morning has been cancelled. There is no practice tomorrow for the Boomers. Information pertaining to inclement weather has been posted on the BRES website under the parent page.

This week:
1/7: Mural Club meets at 4:15 p.m.
1/9: Parents Are Connected (PAC) Night from 6-7:30 p.m. Please join us on Thursday, January 9th from 6:00-7:15 PM for an exciting evening on “Educating, Empowering, Engaging” your children with reading! Grade level pairs will be presenting strategies, tools, and take-aways that you can use to support your children with literacy at home. In addition, there will be an LEP Parent Academy focused on how to support your child with homework and reading in Spanish! Children will get to attend a popcorn and dance party while their parents are learning!! Interpreters will be on hand to support communication for our Spanish speaking families.

Looking ahead to next week:
1/14: Boomer Practice 8:00 a.m. & Mural Club 4:15 p.m.
1/15: Read to Achieve Parent Information Session 6:00 p.m. Tracks 1 & 3 This meeting is for all parents of 3rd grade students on Tracks 1 & 3. Parents you will receive information about the R2A requirements and how your child and family may be impacted.

1/16: General PTA Meeting and 1st Annual Chili Cook-off 6:00 p.m.
Here we go! Mark your calendars for the BRES 1st Annual Chili Cook-Off sponsored by our PTA. Do you have a great chili recipe that you want to enter in the cook off? Visit the PTA website to complete the registration form. Registration is just $10. The Grand Prize includes a 2014 Cook-off "Golden Spoon," your name on the plaque to be displayed at the front of the school, and $100.00 restaurant gift card. 2nd and 3rd place will also receive restaurant gift cards. Where? In the Multipurpose Room/Cafeteria When? January 16th coinciding with the General PTA meeting at 6:00 p.m. Entry Due Date? January 10, 2014 Any BRES family or staff member can enter! This is sure to be one of the "hottest" events of the year. Whether you want to cook and complete or just want to eat, it is sure to be a lot of fun! $1 per bowl (or a hotdog for those who prefer) after the judging. Chips and drinks available, fun activities and more!!!

Previously I have shared information on our new statewide reading assessment program mClass. The mClass diagnostic system is being used by all teachers here at BRES, district and throughout the state of North Carolina. Timely and accurate reporting of student progress is important to us. In addition to report cards and parent conferences you will receive a parent home connection letter. This letter will contain valuable information about your child's reading progress. Please be on the "lookout" for these letters to come home in your child's folder in the near future. Please do not hesitate to call the school should you have any questions. Dates for letters to go home: Track 1: January 17, Tracks 2 and 3: January 24, and Track 4: February 14.

January 21-28 the Banks Road Art Room will host artist Bryant Holsenbeck for this year's Artist in Residency program. Together, Ms. Holsenbeck and the students will create random weave forms that will become a beautiful new art instillation for our school. A few volunteers would be very helpful, especially during the morning sessions with the younger students. The morning volunteer hours are from 9:15-12:00 and the afternoon hours are from 1:00-3:45. If you would like to work for the whole day, feel free to sign up for both the morning and afternoon sessions.

To volunteer:
1. Use the following link to find our sign-up genius and sign-up for your desired time slot.
2. Make sure you have registered to be a volunteer in Wake County and have been approved. This can be done on Mondays in the computer lab at Banks Road. To learn more about Bryant Holesnback click here:

Did you know we are TWEETING? It's true. :) Check out our updated website with the Bus Twitter account and my Twitter account. I am posting pictures of the learning and teaching process in action as I walk through classrooms, sending out information about events, sharing articles or research about education in general and even updating you with special moments here at BRES. You don't want to miss out on Ms. Livengood's bus posts either! She is posting when buses depart campus so you will know if a bus has been delayed or when to be at the bus stop to meet your child. Follow us at CarmenMonteroGraf@BanksRoadES and @BanksRoadBuses!

That's it Trailblazers. All of this information will be posted on the BRES school website and the Principal's Desk blog. Please call the school should you have any questions.
Always Trailblazer Proud, Mrs. Graf