Monday, January 6, 2014

Kindergarten Enrollment Information for 2014-2015

New student and kindergarten enrollment for the 2014-15 school year begins Jan. 13, 2014. To be eligible for kindergarten, students must be five years old on or before Aug. 31, 2014.

Where to enroll your student
The base school assigned to your address
Use the address lookup tool to view your base school. Our school directory provides contact information, highlights, bus routes and test results for each school.

The Center for International Enrollment
For children whose primary language is not English
Crossroads 1, 5625 Dillard Drive, Cary, NC 27518

What you need to enroll
Completed enrollment forms
A certified copy of your child's birth certificate
Proof of your Wake County address (current water, gas, or electric bill in parent's name, new signed lease, or offer to purchase agreement)
A photo ID of the parent or guardian
Your child's immunization record
Any custody documents

Change of address and re-enrollment Families with a change of address can remain at their current school if they provide their own transportation or can enroll in the base school for the family’s new address. If you are re-enrolling or have moved within Wake County, you will need:

Completed enrollment forms
A photo ID of the parent or guardian
Proof of your Wake County address (current water, gas, or electric bill in parent's name, new signed lease, or offer to purchase agreement)
Any new custody documents

Questions? Please call the school at 919-890-7333.