Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Vote for Banks on Target Gives Back (FB app)!

Calling on all Trailblazers! Give with Target started on Wednesday the 14th. This is the program where all you have to do is vote for BRES and we will receive $1 for each vote. It's super easy---and you are probably on Facebook anyways, right? Last year our school was given a Target gift card with about $300 dollars on it. We used the gift card to buy school supplies and items for our students. Here is what I cut and pasted from the Give with Target website page: Beginning Aug. 14, guests can visit Target’s Facebook page to access the app and vote for a school of their choice once per week. Once a school has received 25 votes, Target will donate $1 per vote, with a maximum donation of $10,000 per school. Once your on FB, search "Target Gives Back" and select our school name or type in our school name. The campaign runs through Sept. 21, or until the full $5 million has been allocated, so don’t forget to vote each week and share the news with friends, family, teachers and other community members. For best performance, use a mobile device or a Google Chrome web browser to access the appPlease just log in to FB, search Target Gives Back and vote for Banks Road Elementary! Thanks! Mrs. Graf