Friday, August 16, 2013

Open House Success

Thank you for coming out to our 2013-14 Open House last night! We had a great evening with you. Every family that attended Open House last night received our Banks Book of the Year, Ms. Smith's Incredible Storybook and attended classroom presentations. Parents also attended the administration session on basic Banks practices for attendance, our new PBIS initiative, and school safety. Classroom teachers shared information on classroom/grade level expectations, the Common Core curriculum and classroom expectations. Home School Compacts were also distributed last night. The Compacts share our school commitments to our students and you regarding student academic growth and success. These Compacts were developed with teacher and parent input from a session held in June. Our PTA was on hand to share about upcoming events and sell Spirit Wear items.  Check out the photos below from last nights event! Thanks again for coming out!