Sunday, November 25, 2012

Common Core Information: New Standards= high expectations for all students

It's here and we have been talking about it, but how much do you know about it...the Common Core Curriculum?  BRES teachers are using the Common Core Curriculum in lesson planning and instruction each and every day.  These new guidelines describe the essential skills and knowledge that students master annually and provide parents with a clear and common understanding of what their child is expected to learn and know.  If you have had an opportunity to volunteer in a classroom lately then you have seen that student learning and teacher instruction has changed.  Students are working to solve real life problems or situations with a given data set for example or students select a topic from various options to research, learn and present in the classroom. Students are actively taking on the role of the learner in Kindergarten to 5th grade.  Teachers are taking on the role of the preparer, organizer, guide and leader in the classroom.  Want to see an example of a common core lesson?  Click to here to see Lauren Brooks, Enloe Math Teacher Lauren Brooks teach a Common Core math lesson during the Wake Education Partnership Education Summit .  Additionally, follow the links below to learn more about the Common Core Essential Standards  and demystify myths about the Common Core click here
Lastly, click here to see real WCPSS educators and teachers share about the common core  Still have questions, please call the school at 919-890-7333 and we can help you.