Monday, July 7, 2014

School Messenger July 7, 2014

 July 7, 2014
 What a great first day of school for students on tracks 1, 2, and 3! All students participated in our conduct assembly during specials today where they learned about school wide expectations and our Blazer Buck system. Additionally, we are already planning our Back to School Blast with our PTA. It is sure to be a great event! As soon as the details are finalized, I will send out more information. 
Our theme for the school year is Magnify the Possibilities! This is a message that can be carried over into the lives our students and to you-our parents and stakeholders in our school. Imagine a school where students could not fail, where learning was maximized each day and where parents and the school were truly partners in the educating students…that is what we want Trailblazers! Let’s make it happen in 2014-2015! Imagine the possibilities and then do all that you can to MAGNIFY the possibilities for our students.
Looking ahead, here are important dates for you to be aware of for July.
July 7:  First Day of School & Expectations Assemblies
July 7-10 Kindergarten Staggered Entry Tracks 1-3
July 11 Kindergarten Meet the Teacher 4-5:30 p.m.
July 14 First Day of Kindergarten Tracks 1-3
July 14 SIT Meeting
July 14-18 Read to Achieve Camp Track 4
July 21-22 Read to Achieve Camp Track 4
July 23 3rd Grade Beginning of Grade (BOG)
July 28 First Day of School Track 4
July 28 Staggered Entry Track 4 Kindergarten
July 29 PTA Back to School Blast 5:30 and General PTA Meeting 6:00 p.m.
It is going to be an outstanding school year Trailblazers. I can’t wait to continue to blaze the path to success with you. This message has been posted on the school website and will go out on the Principal’s Desk blog as well. Please call the Front Desk with any questions at 919-890-7333.
☺ My Banks Best, Mrs. Graf