Sunday, June 15, 2014

2014-2015 Calendar for Free and Reduced Lunch Meal Procedures

Trailblazer Parents,

Here is information regarding the process and procedures for applying for free or reduced lunch meal program.  There are firm dates and guidelines in place for this program, so please read carefully if this applies to you.  Thank you, Mrs. Graf

June 27th:  Family application packets are mailed to ALL Year Round and Modified School Students.

July 7th:  Students approved for Free/Reduced meals in 2013-2014 are still eligible to eat at the same status as previous year or until a new application is processed.  This ENDS on 10/08/2014.

July 7:  Family application packets for free/reduced lunch meals are MADE AVAILABLE to all students who did not receive one in the mail.

July 25th:  Free/reduced application packets mailed to parents of families at traditional schools.

August 25th:  Family application packets for free/reduced lunch meals are MADE AVAILABLE to all students who did not receive one in the mail for traditional students.

October 8th:  2013-2014 status no longer applies after October 8, 2014. CNS will provide complimentary lunches of fruits and vegetables for students who failed to come to school with lunch money on 10/09/2014.

November 17th:  Eligibility is terminated for students did not respond to the verification process.

Approval letters are mailed daily when students are approved.  Student status us updated to the school cafeteria data base hourly by Child Nutrition Services electronically.

Free/Reduced meal eligibility is an ongoing process.  Eligibility status is valid for the entire year, except if changed through the verification process.  If denied, families may reapply at anytime.  Child Nutrition Services is available to help families with any part of the process.  Applications area available in the school cafeteria and office throughout the school year.