Friday, July 12, 2013

Learning the Expectations at BRES

The first day of school is exciting and wonderful at Banks Road Elementary School. We kicked off the day with assemblies for all students to teach and review the universal expectations for student conduct. Ms. Livengood led the way by teaching behavior expectations for the cafeteria, voice levels and carpool dismissal. A visual for voice levels was taught to all students. This should support us in strengthening our cafeteria expectations. Additionally, We have a easy to remember jingle that will help out in remembering our expectations:

Path to Success Song

We're Trailblazers on the path to success
Learning, leading every day
We're Trailblazers on the path to success
Responsible, Respectful, Safe
That's Right!
Responsible, Respectful, Safe

Check our these pictures of our visuals that are displayed in multiple locations in our building!