Monday, April 1, 2013
Book Drive begins...
Last year one of the most memorable moments for me as the principal was traveling out to a nearby neighborhood and distributing hundreds of books to children ranging in age from toddlers to teenagers! We partnered with the YMCA program and they drove us out on the Y bus to a neighborhood where much outreach is needed. Our schools pulls students from this neighborhood so it was project that really was near and dear to my heart and the hearts of many BRES staff members. In a matter of three hours we distributed books by the armful and boxful to students and their families! Additionally, we distributed reading comprehension strategies in both English and Spanish to our families to strengthen the school to home connection. Once again, the BRES staff family is coming together to collect books for these students and we need your help. Everyone has a book or two that they have already read sitting on a shelf. If this is the case, please send it in with your child for our book drive. We will take gently used books from board books, chapter books, series or whatever you have. Did you just stock up on new books during our Book Fair? Go around and collect the books from last year that your child has already read for the book drive. We will take them and distribute them to students in need of literature! Have questions or want to learn more about this book drive? Email me at or call me at 919-890-7330.