The information below is from the WCPSS website regarding the newly passed student assignment plan.
Board Adopts 2013-14 Student Assignment Plan |
The Wake County Board of Education adopted a Student Assignment Plan for the 2013-14 school year during its regular meeting on Tuesday, December 11. Under the plan, every student will be assigned to a school based on his or her home address. To offer continued stability for families, the plan includes minimal reassignments, as well as the opportunity for students to stay with their current schools if they are happy there. The plan offers sibling priority and families also will have options for traditional-calendar schools and year-round schools. Beginning December 12, 2012, any student who enrolls in WCPSS for the first time, or moves from another Wake County address will be assigned to a school based on this new assignment plan. Updated maps and an address look-up tool will be available soon for parents to preview their base school assignments. View a brief video explaining the plan - (YouTube - 3:00min) WCPSS will host four upcoming information sessions on the plan: