- Writer in Residence, Richard Krawiec teacher, writer and publish author is working with Track 2 & 4 fourth grade students. Students are working through the writing process with a self selected topic. Mr. Krawiec is leading students through brainstorming, drafting, revising their pieces until the best final copy can be achieved. Mr. Krawiec will be back to work with fourth grade students on Tracks 1 & 3 in October. Want to learn more about Mr. Kraweic? Click here to link to his website http://www.rkeditor.com/
- Case 21 Benckmark testing in underway in grades 3-5 for Tracks 2-4. Students are taking reading and math assessments during this testing window.
- Early Release is scheduled for Friday at 1:15 p.m. We will begin our dismissal procedures at 1:15 for both carpool and bus students.
Please call the school if you have any questions about this information.