Fifth grade is leading the school with their Spirit! Mrs. Yanez, Ms. Daniel and now Mrs. Blackmon's class joined me for a popsicle and a photo this past Friday. You wouldn't believe the sea of blue and green here at school on a Friday! Great school spirit is coming from each and every class. This past Friday, Mr. Fisher and I went around and calculated the percentages of school spirit participation and there were 3 winners! Our first ever 3 way tie! Who were the winning classes? You will have to wait until Friday to see their pictures, but you can see Ms. Blackmon's class (above) and Ms. Daniel's class (below) right now!
Don't worry there is plenty of time to show your school spirit...check out the PTA website for our upcoming Spirit Week and daily activities, as well as EVERY Friday is an opportunity to show your spirit by wearing our Banks Road Elementary school colors of blue and green or your official BRES t-shirt!