Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Quarterly Review of Data

As promised, below is a review of student grades for our first quarter of the school year. The data indicates that we are starting the year strong with many students performing at or above grade level standards (level 3, 3* or 4 on report cards) in reading, math, writing, and science. Below is the data collected from first quarter report cards:

Kindergarten: Interim data coming soon!

First Grade: Interim data coming soon!

Second Grade: 80% of students performing at or above grade level in Reading
67% of students performing at or above grade level in Writing
89% of students performing at or above grade level in Math
89% of students performing at or above grade level in Science

Third Grade: 74% of students performing at or above grade level in Reading
69% of students performing at or above grade level in Writing
79% of students performing at or above grade level in Math
95% of students performing at or above grade level in Science

Fourth Grade: 78% of students performing at or above grade level in Reading
57% of students performing at or above grade level in Writing
76% of students performing at or above grade level in Math
90% of students performing at or above grade level in Science

Fifth Grade: 85% of students performing at or above grade level in Reading
82% of students performing at or above grade level in Writing
83% of students performing at or above grade level in Math
85% of students performing at or above grade level in Science

As a school our reading proficiency is 79% based on first quarter report cards. Our writing proficiency is 69% and our math proficiency is at 82%. Our students are mastering science concepts and skills at a 90% proficiency rate!

What does this data tells us at BRES? We are strong with our math and science instruction. Our students are confident with the math and science skills and are able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills on assessments. While our literacy proficiency rates are solid, we know we can support more of our students in becoming proficient with reading and writing skills. Our school focus is on literacy instruction and reaching all of our children with solid, explicit and direct reading instruction. Our teachers are working hard in staff development sessions and professional learning teams to identify areas of student need and implement research based strategies to support an increase in reading an d writing proficiency as a school.

We are extremely proud of the work we are doing with children this school year. We can't wait to share additional data and how we are working to support all students here at Banks Road Elementary at our first quarterly review of data for parents on November 9th at 8:45 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. in the Media Center. Ms. Goodson and I will review the data more closely and share specifics about how the school is working to increase student achievement and continue to be a leader in blazing the trail to student success!

:) Mrs. Graf