Friday, January 30, 2015

WCPSS Parent Academy is hosting the Second Annual Family Summit

The WCPSS Parent Academy is hosting the Second Annual Family Summit on Saturday, February 21, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in collaboration with the NC Alliance of Black School Educators. The event will be held at Millbrook High School, 2201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC for all Wake County Public School families.
The objective is to provide families with a variety of informative and engaging workshops on academics and social/emotional development to share strategies on student success.
We will be offering separate Spanish workshops for our Latino families. In addition, upon request we will provide interpretation service in Arabic, French, Korean, Russian, and Vietnamese. 
The conference is FREE of charge, will provide FREE Continental Breakfast and Information Fair.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Read to Achieve Camp Update

3rd Grade Parents,
Coming home this Friday in folders are invitations for the Read to Achieve Camp.  Please remember that attendance is not required this school year, but I would like you to consider having your child attend camp if they receive an invitation.  If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Reed at   She is our Read to Achieve contact.  Thank you, Mrs. Graf

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Middle School Math Placement Information

5th Grade Trailblazer Parents,

It's time to mark your calendars for a parent information session regarding middle school math placement.  Come learn about placement guidelines, resources to support success in math that are available in all middle schools, math progression in middle and high school and the options that are afforded to you and your middle school student.

Session 1:  February 18, 2015 East Garner Magnet Middle
Session 2:  February 19, 2015 East Millbrook Magnet Middle
Session 3:  February 23, 2015 Davis Drive Middle
Session 4:  February 26, 2015 Durant Road Middle
Session 5:  March 2, 2015  Holly Ridge Middle
Session 6:  March 5, 2015  Carroll Magnet Middle

All sessions are at 6:00 p.m. in the school auditorium.

Questions?  Check out the math placement resource website at or call 919-431-7439.

It's Box Tops Time!

Just a reminder that we are in COLLECTION mode for box tops!  Send in your box tops in a plastic baggie with your teacher name on it.  Drop the baggie in the box in the cafe.  The classes that collect the most box tops per track will win an Aunt Anne's preztel party!  Let's make our school a cut above the rest!  The contest runs from January 19-February 27th!  Come on Trailblazers let's get clipping!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

PTA Events Scheduled...It's going to be GREAT!


Our Writer in Residence, Allan Wolf, will be working with 4th graders on 1/26 and 1/27. The poet will also be joining us the evening of 1/27 for the "Student Art Show."

1/22/15- Student council meeting: Thanks to the group of student's making Fun Run posters.
***student council members will hold up signs during their assigned pep rally***

Fun Run Details:

January 26th:
3:00pm Pep Rally for Track 3 All Classes
Packets go home for all of Track 3 Classes. 
February 9th:
Track 4B T-shirt making day.

February 10th:
Track 4A T-shirt making day

February 11th:
Track 2 T-shirt making day

February 12th
Track 1B T-shirt making day

February 13th: 
9:30am - Pep Rally Tracks 1, 2, 4. All K/1 classes.
10:15am - Pep Rally Tracks 1, 2, 4. All 2/3 classes.
11:00am - Pep Rally Tracks 1, 2, 4. All 4/5 classes.
Packets go home for all Tracks.


February 18th:
Track 3 T-shirt Making Day

February 20th 
Postcards with Reminders and Photos of prizes sent home with Tracks 1 & 3
Track 1A - T-shirt making day.


February 27th
9:30am - Fun Run 5th Grade - Track 1 & 3
10:00am - Fun Run 4th Grade - Track 1 & 3
10:30am - Fun Run 3th Grade - Track 1 & 3
11:00am - 1 hour break
12:00pm - Fun Run Kindergarten - Track 1 & 3
12:30pm - Fun Run 1st Grade - Track 1 & 3
1:00pm - Fun Run 2nd Grade - Track 1 & 3

March 2nd: 

March 5th 
Postcard Reminders and photos of prizes sent home with Tracks 2 & 4

March 6th 
Prize Deadline - Track 1 only. Money must be turned in by this date to receive a prize.
Give out Prizes to Track 1

March 9th:
 Monday Collection Monday

March 12th
9:30am - Fun Run 5th Grade - Track 2 & 4 
10:00am - Fun Run 4th Grade - Track 2 & 4
10:30am - Fun Run 3th Grade - Track 2 & 4
11:00am - 1 hour break
12:00pm - Fun Run Pre-K - Track 2 & 4
12:30pm - Fun Run 1st Grade - Track 2 & 4
1:00pm - Fun Run 2nd Grade - Track 2 & 4
1:30pm - Kindergarten

March 13th:

March 16th: 

March 20th
Prize Deadline - Track 2-4. Money must be turned in by this date to receive a prize.
Give out Prizes to Track 2-4.

March 27th
Track 2&4 Rock-n-Roll Party

April 2nd
Track 1 & 3 Rock-n-Roll Party

TBD - Ice Cream Party for top classes in each track.


TOP PRIZE- Apple IPad Mini with $25 iTunes gift card

2nd Place- Apple iPod Touch with $25 iTunes gift card
3rd Place-  Dr. Dre Beats Solo On Ear Headphones

4th Place - Boombox We probably want to determine exactly which one this is. 

5th Place - Kindle Fire

Enter to win a 32” TV just by getting one donation!

****More prizes to be given out to top earners below this list including gift cards, passes to Interskate, passes to defy gravity.

1st Pledge - BRES Pencil and Entered to win 32” TV!!
$10 - BRES Pencil, Entry to win TV, BRES Color Changing Cup, Homework Pass 
$25 - BRES Pencil, BRES Color Changing Cup, Homework Pass, BRES Super Stylish Sunglasses
$50 - BRES Pencil, Entry to win TV, BRES Color Changing Cup, Homework Pass, BRES Super Stylish Sunglasses, BRES Cinch Backpack
$100 - BRES Pencil, Entry to win TV, BRES Color Changing Cup, Homework Pass, BRES Super Stylish Sunglasses, BRES Cinch Backpack, Rock-N-Roll swag bag.
$101 +- BRES Pencil, Entry to win TV, BRES Color Changing Cup, Homework Pass, BRES Super Stylish Sunglasses, BRES Cinch Backpack, Rock-N-Roll swag bag, Mystery Prize and VIP Dance Party pass.
Ice Cream Party for top earning class in each track!

Top Earning Teacher/Staff Member - $100 Gift Certificate to The Big Easy Restaurant

School Wide Goal - $20,000

We are hoping to raise money towards musical instruments (African drums and an auto harp), amongst other things.

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Thank you for all you do every day!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Two Hour Delay on January 14, 2015

Alert:  all WCPSS schools will be on a 2 hour delay Wednesday January 14th due to impending inclement weather.  Banks doors will open at 10:45 a.m. for students in the morning and the tardy bell will ring at 11:15 a.m.  Stay tuned to local media should weather conditions change.   Be warm and be safe.  Mrs. Graf

Monday, January 12, 2015

Kindergarten a Registration for 2015-2016

It's time to register rising Kindergarteners for school. Help us be prepared for your child at Banks by coming in and registering your child this Thursday and Friday from 9:30-3:00. The Office will support you with registration process.  Follow this link for more information:

Inclement Weather Information

Here is the link regarding the WCPSS Inclement Weather notification ptocess.  We may be in for some freezing rain this week and I want you to be aware of the notification process. Additionally, you can sign up for auto notifications regarding school delays and closings.