Friday, February 21, 2014

Suessical the Musical: Attention 2nd Grade Trailblazers and Parents

Who: BRES 2nd Grade Students
When: Feb 27, 2014
Time: 2:30 p.m.
Where: Multipurpose Room

I am reminding all of you about our second grade performance of Seussical the Musical. The students have been working extremely hard on this production. All parents are invited to attend the performance.

Don't forget to wear your red or white t shirt, blue jeans and sneakers. If your child has Dr. Seuss attire, they may wear it. Parents may enter through the multipurpose doors. Doors will open at 2:15 p.m.

Any questions? Please email Ms. Loftin at Thank you!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ms. Blair is a WCPSS Teacher of the Year Semifinalist!


WCPSS names semifinalists for Wake Teacher of the Year and guess who is a Semifinalist? Our very own ESL teacher, Ms. Blair! Ms. Blair is an outstanding teacher who serves students who are in need of support in learning English as a second language. The WCPSS Teacher of the Year process is extremely rigorous. This is such an honor for Ms. Blair! Please join me in congratulating her for making it to this point in the selection process. We all need to rally behind her as she is set to have site visit and interview in the very near future. I will keep you posted on her progress! Please see below to see all of the Semifinalists for WCPSS.

Always Trailblazer Proud, Mrs. Graf

The Wake County Public School System has named 26 teachers as semifinalists for the Wake County Teacher of the Year. The semifinalists are:

Dorothy Andrews of Daniels Middle
Shannon Barbour of Wendell Elementary
Emily Blair of Banks Road Elementary
Katelyn Bradshaw of Green Hope High
Sarah Bratton of Sycamore Creek Elementary
Laurie Bubenik of Vandora Springs Elementary
Melissa Darrow of Wakefield Elementary,
Susan DePerno of East Cary Middle
Christine Hahner of Wiley Magnet Elementary
Joy Hughes of Holly Ridge Middle
Rebecca Jarman of Stough Elementary
Antoinette Kelly of Green Magnet Elementary
Janice Kidd of Mills Park Middle
Justin Kram of Powell Magnet Elementary
Kristen Larsen of Sanderson High
Kelly McNamara of Leesville Road Elementary
Jeannie Noble of Yates Mill Elementary
Brian Quigley of Lockhart Elementary
Emily Quigley of Holly Springs Elementary
Allison Reid of Heritage High
William Slechta of West Cary Middle
Penny Smith of East Millbrook Magnet Middle
Gail Stevens of Dillard Drive Middle
Marcia Timmel of North Garner Middle
Rebecca Williams of East Wake School of Health Science
Jennifer Wood of Smith Magnet Elementary

The next step in the process for the semifinalists is classroom observations by Teacher of the Year committee members. A reception will be held March 26 to announce the 13 finalists selected for Wake County Teacher of the Year. The annual banquet to name the Wake County Teacher of the Year will be held May 8.

Tags: accolades, Teacher of the Year, teachers

This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 19th, 2014 at 4:30 pm and is filed under Careers, Front Page News.

All for Coins update

Banks Road Families,

Thank you for supporting our "All for Books" coin drive for this year's book fair! I am so proud to announce that we raised a total of $955.24. WOW! Y'all really rock! I never imagined that we would collect that many coins!

I am also excited to announce that our winning grade level was: 1st grade! Congratulations to the first grade team! They will be rewarded with piƱata parties for bringing in $202.00 worth of coins! Way to go!

I am so excited that our students who are not financially able to afford a new book from our book fair will be able to purchase one this year! Thank you so much for your support!

Megan McCool

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Rising 6th Grade Tours: Update

With the snow days last week, many tours and open house dates needed to be rescheduled. Here are the two middle school revised Open House dates for you. If your child has been assigned to these schools or if you are considering transferring to one of these schools, attending the tour will be helpful to you.

Holly Ridge and Holly Grove Middle Schools have rescheduled their Open Houses to Thursday, February 27th.

Holly Ridge Middle School is from 4-6 p.m.
Holly Grove Middle School is from 5-7 p.m.