Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Third Quarter Successes

A review of student grades through the first three quarters of the year reveals a trend of an increasing number of students performing above grade level standards (level 3* and 4 on report cards) in reading. Below are data points supporting this trend.
—-Kindergarten- 44% of students are performing above grade level in reading
-First grade- % of students below grade level in reading decreased by 8% during the quarter 3
—-Second grade-81% of students were at or above grade level in reading at the end of quarter 3
—-Third grade-The number of students performing at level 4 in reading and writing has tripled since quarter 1. At the end of the third quarter, 25% of students were above grade level in reading
—-Fourth grade-The % of students performing above grade level in reading has increased from 20% at the end of quarter 1 to 36% at the end of quarter 3
—-Fifth grade- The % of students performing above grade level in reading increased from 16% at the end of quarter 1 to 26% at the end of quarter 3
We are also very proud of the progress students are making as they strive to achieve grade level standards. For example, at midyear almost 50% of the students receiving supplemental Title 1/Intervention reading services had made at least 3 quarters of growth. They are on pace to make one and one half years of academic growth in one year!

Finally, an overall increase in reading achievement can be seen when we compare last year's data to this year's data. This is an exciting indicator that learning and teaching continues to improve at Banks Road Elementary!